PJSC “Research and production corporation “United Wagon Company” (“UWC” or the “Company”) (MOEX: UWGN) announces the resolutions passed at the annual General Meeting of the Company’s Shareholders (the “AGM”) held on 29 June 2017.

The Meeting resolved:

  • To approve annual report of UWC for the year 2017.
  • To approve annual financial statement under Russian Accounting Standards for the year 2017.
  • Not to distribute profit based on 2017 results, not to pay dividends.
  • To elect the following persons to the Company’s Board of Directors:
    • Yuzhanov Ilya Arturovich
    • Pleshakov Alexander Vladimirovich
    • Savushkin Roman Aleksandrovich
    • Yarov Yury Fedorovich
    • Motovilov Andrei Vladimirovich
    • Kirillov Artem Anatolievich
    • Adamovich Yuri Aleksandrovich.
  • To elect Godeev Alexander Robertovich as the internal auditor of UWC.
  • To approve CJSC “Deloitte & Touche CIS” as the auditor of the Company for 2018.
  • To determine the maximum amount of remuneration of one member of the Board of Directors:
    • To pay remuneration to the members of the Board of Directors of UWC for the performance of duties as the members of the Board of Directors of the Company and as the members of committees of the Company within the timeframe from the date of holding the AGM in 2017 till the AGM in 2018 in the amount according to the effective Regulations on motivation of members of the Board of Directors of UWC.
    • For the execution by him/her of the functions which are performed by him/her as a member of the Board of Directors within the timeframe from the date of holding the AGM in 2017 till the AGM in 2018, in the amount of RUB 4,000,000.
  • For the execution by him/her of the functions which are performed by him/her as a member of one of the committees of the Board of Directors within the timeframe from the date of holding the AGM in 2017 till the AGM in 2018 in the amount of RUB 600,000.