International Railway Journal

Russia’s Federal Budgetary Organisation (FBO), which is responsible for railway certification, has approved the production of a new design of container flat wagon by TikhvinSpetsMash, a subsidiary of United Wagon Company, Russia.

The new wagon, which was designed by the All-Union Research and Development Centre for Transportation Technology, is 14.62 m long and has a 25-tonne axleload to enable it to carry 40 ft containers with a gross weight of up 36 tonnes as well as tank containers containing hazardous materials.

The 44-tonne 120 km/h wagon has a reinforced main beam and container twistlocks, and T3 draw gear.

Demand for container wagons has been increasing due to the increasing containerisation of freight in Russia and a recovery in Russian imports which rose by 27.4% between January and July compared with the same period in 2016.