Global Rail News

An agreement has been reached so that the company’s Baltic States cargo fleet can now be serviced at Skinest Rail’s depot in Valga.

Depot staff have undergone a UWC course for carriage maintenance and repair and the facility already stocks the necessary parts to carry out repairs, as well as holding the necessary documentation.

The new site will make it possible to supply parts to any location in the Baltic States in up to 48 hours.

Dmitry Losev, United Wagon Company’s deputy CEO for technological development, said: “We began building a service network even before our first car had entered service. We believe that technical service is integral to our products, and that it is our duty to provide it.

“We put special emphasis on a comprehensive, ‘all inclusive’ approach, which includes adaptation of railcar depots for servicing work, and for running and scheduled repairs, as well as close cooperation with infrastructure providers and customers.

“That is the basis, on which we are developing our railcar servicing network, with gradual expansion of its geography.”

The UWC network includes 61 service centres and six training centres located in: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Estonia.