NPC “Springs” launches serial deliveries of springs to Transmashholding

Under its product diversification program, NPC “Springs” (a member of the railcar holding RPC “United Wagon Company”) has launched serial deliveries of its high-strength springs for locomotives and metro coaches to Transmashholding, the largest Russian manufacturer of the railway rolling stock.

NPC “Springs” has shipped the first batch of springs for the locomotive spring suspension to the following enterprises of Transmashholding: “Novocherkassk Electric Locomotive Plant” (manufacture of main-line and industrial electric locomotives), “Bryansk Machine-Building Plant” (manufacture of shunting and main-line diesel locomotives) and “Metrowagonmash” (manufacture of metro coaches and diesel trains).

The high-strength springs made by NPC “Springs” will be installed in a wide range of main-line electric locomotives and diesel locomotives (Models ЭП20, 3ЭС5К, 2ТЭ25КМ, ТЭМ18ДМ, ТЭМ23 and ТЭМ28), along with metro coaches. The technical characteristics of the supplied springs ensure a better performance: compared to the springs of previous generations, they withstand 10 times more tension/compression cycles demonstrating 10 times smaller compression and significantly (up to 40%) higher permissible operating stresses. Such performance is achieved through the application of high-temperature thermomechanical treatment of steel and uniform coil-to-coil quenching.

Sergey Krivosheev, CEO at LLC “NPC “Springs”, said, “Starting to collaborate with Transmashholding we have made another step forward in the development of our production. We have earlier supplied springs to equip the trucks of “Lastochka” (“Swallow”), a new generation high-speed train, which has been a positive experience. I believe our cooperation with Transmashholding will be just as successful”.