Tikhvin Freight Car Building Plant delivers the 3,000-th innovative gondola to SUEK
The ceremony coincided with production and delivery of the 3,000-th innovative gondola to Siberian Coal Energy Company was held at Tikhvin Freight Car Building Plant. The Plant employees, representatives of United Wagon Company (UWC), Siberian Coal Energy Company and the Administration of Tikhvin city attended the ceremony.
The milestone universal drop-bottom gondola meets the high quality requirements to bulk freight transportation. A load capacity of the gondola is 75 tons that allows delivering freight of 5.5 tons more compared to a capacity of a standard car. In addition, an overhaul mileage of innovative gondola is much higher — up to 6 years, 500 thou km. Mass utilization of innovative cars will let an infrastructure owner improve operation safety and railway tonnage capacity due to the increased load capacity and freight train speed, and a rolling stock owner decrease required car fleet, get benefits on a tariff and increase business effectiveness by reduction of the rolling stock utilization and repair costs.
Relations between the car building enterprise and the coal company have been lasting for several years. SUEK was the first company supplied with the gondolas equipped with innovative Tikhvin bogies in February 2012 under the programme of supervised operation. The cars have been tested between Chelutay station by East-Siberian Railway and Vanino station by Far Eastern Railway in severe operating conditions. By the present moment the supervised cars have passed more than 180 thou km and been inspected several times. The cars demonstrate high performance and operating results. The TVSZ gondola bogie design is based on high engineering technologies and solutions that completely prove the expert forecasts: allowed wear parameters may be maximal not earlier than after 500 thou km.
In September 2013, Siberian Coal Energy Company and United Wagon Company, a managing company of TVSZ, have signed a contract for the delivery of up to 6 000 innovative gondolas fitted out with 25-ton per axle load bogies. It was the first major innovative cars supply transaction in the history of the Russian freight car building market.
“SUEK first started to operate innovative TVSZ’s cars. – said Ludmila Pushkina, Deputy Director for Transport at SUEK. We have actively begun to use the cars on routes with specially organized dispatching and now we are expecting a quality effect from its utilization”.
The total car demand of SUEK amounts to 45,000 – 50,000 cars, the company’s own car fleet is about 20,000 cars. SUEK hopes to increase a loading capacity by 8 % and reduce transportation costs due to the increased payload capacity and discounts for TVSZ innovative cars.
Tikhvin Freight Car Building Plant is planning to produce 11,000 innovative freight cars in 2014.
Specialists and managers of JSC RZD line structural branches are commenting.
Andrey Gayduk, Master of the Chelutay station’s maintenance depot at East-Siberian Railway Administration:
“For 2 years the maintenance depot at the Chelutay station has been generating the coal routes for SUEK, including routes for cars equipped with innovative TVSZ bogies. The mass delivery of cars to the Chelutay station has started in the middle of 2013 and today more than 1,000 cars are already being operated. Daily operation of the new generation cars demonstrates their high design reliability. During the operation period there were not practically any cases of failure. All employees of the maintenance depot note the convenience and ease of car maintenance, as well as procedure of bogie elements wear evaluation by mounted, visually controlled indicators without any measurement tools. I’d like to make a point that car wheels with run of approximately 100 thou km don’t have wears and damages of wheel thread.”
Vladimir Bardashevich, Ulan-Ude Operating Depot Foreman at East-Siberian Railway:
“Increasing the number of cars equipped with Tikhvin bogies with progressive control methods of friction wedge and side bearing wears will reduce a time for technical development of the train and decrease influence of human impact on the early dangerous failures detection. It is notable that the wear dynamics of these TVSZ bogie elements, as practice shows, is significantly lower than standard bogie model 18-100’s and we don’t expect to obtain the maximum allowed values for the overhauls period in the future.