TikhvinChemMash has been awarded ISO 9001 certification

CJSC “TikhvinChemMash” (it is part of railway holding UWC) has successfully gone through the certification procedure and for the first time obtained the certificate confirming the compliance of quality management system of the enterprise with the requirements of international standard ISO 9001:2008 and interstate standard GOST 9001-2011.

International certification body DQS Holding GmbH has confirmed that manufacturing and management processes of TikhvinChemMash in terms of safeguarding quality of products, analysis of consumers’ demands, management of personnel, infrastructure and production environment, meteorological support, implementation of activities for purchase of materials and component part are in line with the international and interstate standard of quality management ISO 9001.

This certification is an important stage in creation in the enterprise of an integrated system of business management and a good preparation for audit, scheduled in 2017, on compliance with requirements of international standard of railway industry IRIS.

Mikhail Zalunayev, the head of the Russian branch of certification body DQS, advised: TikhvinChemMash is the second more enterprise of UWC holding, which we successfully certify. We appreciated the significant amount of preparatory works, having been carried out by the plant’s employees. Quality management system of TikhvinChemMash has proved effective; it fully describes and regulates processes, associated with primary activity for production of tank cars”.

Quality management system, developed in accordance with ISO 9001:2008 standard requirements, ensures that demands of customers, suppliers and other related parties will be met effectively and consistently. Moreover, the system helps the organization to reduce costs and optimize its business-processes, safeguarding the level of trust required by the partners in the Russian and international markets. GOST 9001-2011 standard is identical to the international standard ISO 9001:2008.