Ural Chemical and Metallurgical Centre receives Tikhvin tank cars
PJSC «Research and production corporation «United Wagon Company» (RPC UWC, the Group or the Company) (MOEX: UWGN), Russia’s largest manufacturer of freight cars1, has delivered a batch of new generation tank cars for sulphuric acid to the Ural Chemical and Metallurgical Centre, LLC, a wholesaler of industrial materials.
The tank car, Model 15-9545, stands out of its market competitors with its increased load capacity of 77 tonnes and a larger tank volume of 44 m3, which allows it to accommodate up to 12% more freight. For example, 100,000 tonnes of sulphuric acid can be carried in a smaller number of cars, when these are Tikhvin tank cars: you will need seven cars less compared to when using standard tank cars with a load capacity of 69 tonnes and a tank volume of 39 m3. These savings on the size of the fleet required for shipment result in lower investment costs for the purchase of rolling stock. The increased load capacity reduces the empty run charge per freight car, resulting in a reduction in the transportation cost per tonne of freight. Moreover, the life cycle costs of the Tikhvin tank car will be lower than those of a standard car, which is achieved due to a longer maintenance interval increased up to 1 million km and the high operational reliability of 18-9855 bogies. All these savings enable the fleet owner to obtain a significant economic benefit from operating the 15-9545 tank car. The design of, and the solutions applied in the tank ensure its tightness, preventing excess pressure inside the tank and cargo leakage.
The tank has an all-metal welded structure. Its sealing elements are made of fluoroplastic, a material resistant to transported cargoes.
Arseny Teplykh, Chief Executive Officer at the Ural Chemical and Metallurgical Centre: “Our guiding principles are, first and foremost, maintaining a high quality of the products we ship and a flexible pricing policy, while making sure that orders are executed in full and without delays. Among other things, this largely depends on the transport component of the process: on how efficient the rolling stock is and what performance it can show. Tikhvin tank cars have already proven their worth in the market, which is why we have opted for them. As our company plans to increase its tank car fleet in 2021-2023, we are willing to deepen cooperation with United Wagon Company.”
The Russian fleet of sulphuric acid tank cars is currently represented by five car models manufactured not earlier than in 2010, with the share of new generation tank cars on 25-t axle load bogies being around 16%, of which almost all are 15-9545 tank cars made in Tikhvin.
1Data sourced from INFOLine-Analytics: https://infoline.spb.ru/news/?news=203409